Monday, July 27, 2015

Is it Dinnertime Yet?

........a variation on the ever-popular Caitie statement "Is it naptime yet?"

Basically, I'm hungry.

*stomach growls*

During the week, I wake up and eat breakfast somewhere between 10:30am and 11am.  Because I'm boring and still half asleep, it's usually cereal

After breakfast, it's out the door and off to work.  Where I work for a solid five hours before lunch/dinner rolls around.  That's right.  I am STARVING by the time I get my dinner break.  Which means a measly sandwich will not cut it.  No, not even TWO sandwiches would cut it.  So I'm left with a dilemma.  I need a dinner food for work, but since there's only a microwave, I need something that reheats well.  Oh, and it has to fit into my bag to make it to work.

Talk about a pain in the neck.

I don't know about you, but when I get home from work, all I wanna do is sit down and have some food (in my case, usually it's a sandwich at 9:30pm).  Maybe watch some TV.  But most importantly, to relax.

Free at last

However, since I need to have dinner prepared in advance for work, a chunk of my relax-after-work time is eaten up by me making something that can be nuked later.  And/or that can be made in bulk now.

This means I inevitably default with pasta.  Most pastas are easily heated back up and taste pretty much the same.  Or maybe I'll make stir fry, or fried rice.  Both can be made in large quantities and last me several days.  Or, if I'm in a good cooking mood, jambalaya is pretty quick to throw together and lasts me longer since the spices keep me from eating a lot (I'm really REALLY bad with spicy anything).  But that's not too many things to make.

So tell me, for those of you who actually read my blog (if you actually exist, that is).  What should I make for my lunch-dinners?  Suggestions are much appreciated.

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