Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The Day the Apartments Broke

I am in-between leases right now here in DC.  I have my current apartment that I've been living in for roughly 2 years as I finish up college, and I have a new (and cheaper!) lease that just started and I will be transitioning to in the coming weeks.

Today both complexes called me at work to tell me they needed to enter my apartments for a "maintenance emergency".

I can only assume......

Well, I shouldn't assume things.  Literally every time, one of my parents says the following phrase "You know what it means when you assume.  It makes an ass out of you and me."  You can almost hear the family sass.

That being said, let us examine the crises

Situation A
Where: Old Complex
Call time: Early afternoon
Location: Kitchen
Voicemail gist: We need to enter your kitchen
Why: The person in the unit above you is having problems

Problems, you say? Really now......  

I see.  Sounds like something either broke in the kitchen above us, or they're just really terrible cooks.  Since all the stoves are shitty electric instead of gas, the only thing I can think of is if they tried to tip the fridge to get at the back of the shelf because they were too lazy to just crouch down and reach in there like a normal human.

Situation B
Where: New Complex
Call time: Mid-afternoon
Location: Master bedroom
Voicemail gist: We are entering your unit momentarily, we just wanted to see if you were home
Why: The unit downstairs is reporting a leakage and we think it's your radiator

They must be drowning down there

Well, crap.  We just signed that lease and the radiator is leaking.  Possibly among other things.  And this comes after the fiasco of trying to burn off the residue in the oven from "cleaning", which resulted in whiteout conditions from all the smoke.

*cough, cough*

Also fun fact.  In both situations, I was the only one of my apartments that was notified.  I have 3 other roommates on the lease in the Old Complex apartment, and 2 other roommates on the New Complex apartment.  But nope.  Only me.  I feel like I should be flattered, but actually I'm just kinda annoyed.  Not like I can do much about maintenance emergencies at work.  My roommates know now, so perhaps they will know how to take care of it/ignore it.

As of now, it is

The news is calling.  Caitie, out!

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