Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Memorial Day Weekend

After graduation, I had a few things to get done.  Pretty near the top was this mythical thing called a "job".  I'd heard of it, heard people talk of it.  College students revere it while working people revile it.  It's this state of being where you sit at a desk all day for money that the government and your apartment complex have already called dibs on.

"Son of a bitch......" said every college student ever

Even higher were two things.  First, my little brother was going in for minor surgery.  I wanted to go home for a visit and help out a little before he became couch bound.  And secondly, my two best friends had graduated college.  Since they are practically my sisters, it was time to go home and celebrate with them.  One of them had already planned a graduation party for Memorial Day weekend and invited me there, though she thought I'd miss it because I was still living in DC.

I didn't tell her I bought flights home.


I told my other sister-friend though.  Together we schemed for over a week how I was gonna show up at the party unannounced without giving myself away.  I even called her WHILE SHE WAS OUT WITH THE UNKNOWING ONE and held a conversation that sounded like graphic design Q&A but was actually sneaky scheming.

There was the burglar-style idea, where I would lurk around the side of the house until the coast was clear, jump the fence, and make a run for the back porch.

There was the distraction idea, where someone would lure the graduation girl away so I could sneak in and place myself like I was there all along.

There was the idiotic idea that I should just walk up to the front door and ring the bell.

What actually happened:

Ultimate Badass level achieved

My co-conspirator and I decided just to chance it.  I borrowed a car from my family and drove up to her house, parking out front on the street.  I walked the length of her driveway and around the garage and let myself in by the back gate.  I ran into an aunt (who I shushed), her father (who was also shushed), and TWO CORGIS

Helloooooooooooo Shorty!  Hello my little Lily!

Who were petted and scratched and properly shushed.

I was in the back.  I was not in danger of being given away.  So I snuck up the back steps, crossed the little porch, and entered the house like I had been there the whole time.

I was greeted with this face.

The shock. The confusion. The need to headslap and hug this person before me

She had no idea.  There was a spluttering of "What" and "How did you" and "What" again.  And I was just like 

*innocent angel face*

I gave both my sister-friends the biggest of hugs, and enjoyed celebrating and hanging out with them for the first time in months.  I was so sad to head out again.

But that mythical job.  It beckons to me.  And so I must once again take my leave of friends and family to seek it.

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