Saturday, March 8, 2014


I haven't written in over a week.  Or rather, I haven't posted.  I started a post on Maslenitsa and the festival I went to, but let's face it, it's been a pretty crappy week.  Study abroad isn't just having adventures and a few classes in a foreign country - it's an experience in life.  It's a completely different culture with a different language, cuisine, different mannerisms and customs, and sometimes it gets to you.  The homesickness sets in and you get little bursts of culture shock with it, which feels like "What did I do.......this was a bad idea."  Some days it's bearable, some days you barely feel it, but some days it crashes over you like a tidal wave.

This week was like a tidal wave.  It was stressful.  It was long.  Things didn't go my way at all.  I was homesick.

And that's ok.

Study abroad is not supposed to be easy.  In fact, I'd be kinda pissed if it wasn't challenging.  I'm here to learn and to study and to be immersed in another culture, not be on an extended vacation.  Also not all weeks in life are good ones.  Sometimes the lousy days all clump together and the week just sucks.  But that's just it.  It's one week out of my life.  And things will be better next week.

I haven't written in a week.  I didn't wanna finish the Maslenitsa piece because I didn't wanna taint the happiness of that day with the negativity that came from my crappy week.  I will finish it up soon and post it and it will be glorious and fun.  Right now, I'm gonna pour myself some of the amazing multifruit juice I keep here in my room and just let life be what it is.  Life.

Just chalk it up to a bad week.  The next one will be better.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there kiddo! As you said, things will get better.
