Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Importance of Technology

.....I snuck another post in before I leave for Moscow.  Sadly, there are no adventures or tidbits from Russia or even anything about what goes on in my life here in St. Petersburg.

No.  This is me writing my thoughts on technology and (maybe?? hopefully??) earning myself a scholarship for school.

Quite obviously, technology means a lot to me.  I like to keep in touch with my friends, my family, my boyfriend, and it's a bit hard when I go to school so far away from everyone.  This was true in DC, and is still true now that I study in Russia.

Here in St. Petersburg, technology is the medium for ALL my interactions outside the classroom.  Facebook is where I get reminders and heads-ups on what's going on in my program.  They post pictures of the different events in a group, and we the program people can comment on what strikes us and on notes from our coordinators.  Back in DC, I would have assignments online - posted either through Facebook or through Blackboard - and there's no way I would've been able to pass last semester (emailing professors, typing essays, and watching movies for my film class took up a huge chunk of my time) without technology.

As for keeping in touch with people, Skype is a glorious invention (thanks Estonia!!).  It's nice to have a conversation with someone via text, but to be able to see their hear their's a whole separate thing.  I seriously doubt I'd be surviving and, indeed, thriving here if I couldn't Skype with those I love.  It's hard enough to be without them, but through technology I don't feel quite so far away from them.

So yeah.  Social media and Skype.  Both are lovely things for keeping in touch.  Just a thought: I never thought I'd be this attached to technology before I went off to school in DC, and now to St. Petersburg.  Yes, I played video games as a kid (and loved them), but I was never hugely into the whole social media/blog thing.  That was something other people did.  I didn't need to see the minute updates in other people's lives every few minutes - I could read a book instead.

Now it's a need.  I'm cut off from everyone back home in the States, and the only way to reach them is through technology.  Suddenly technology and social media is a way to stay connected in a way I never needed it to be before.  I have a blog that I upkeep on a fairly regular basis to share my adventures abroad on for those back home (or here in Russia, even).  I message back and forth with friends at school in the States - I'm 8 hours ahead, so that lets them answer on their own time and not worry that they're waking me up over here.  I have far too many email addresses to keep all the travel stuff, missives from advisers back at my home university, and program updates straight.  And in order to travel places here in Eastern Europe (or back home, actually), I use the internet to book my flights and check time tables.

Technology is now a huge part of my life, and I start freaking out if the internet doesn't work or I'm out of cell service here.  Technology keeps me connected, and it keeps me on track for my program.  And quite frankly, I can't imagine it not being a part of my life.  It has become that important.

So these are my thoughts on technology and how it pertains to me.  Now, I leave my laptop here at my homestay and go to catch a midnight train (going aaaaaaaaaanyyyyyyyyywheeeeeeeeeeeeere).  Be back in two weeks!!

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