Thursday, April 14, 2016

Science, Baking, Wizardry, GO!

I like to bake.  No surprise there, everyone who knows me knows that.  Cookies, brownies, cakes, and pies - I'll bake them all.  And I've got a wicked sweet tooth to match.

Recently, I've fallen for the make-it-in-a-mug trend.  Because lets face it, while I love all things sweet, they absolutely do not love me back (not that I care!).  So it makes total sense to bake single serving desserts - I get a bit of sweetness in my day, and I can't chow through several bars and bites because I didn't make enough for that.

What a clever girl

Nowadays, that means that anything I can fit into a mug or a ramekin gets made.  And even better, it gets made fast.  Brownies, cakes, and muffins in a mug take 5 minutes to prepare, cook, and eat.  Which makes for a happier Caitie.

Recently, I had to stay late at work.  I still had my crutches with me, and I wouldn't get home til nearly midnight.  And I knew this going in.  Clearly this means I should bring in a mug cake to make!

So I did.

I modified a mug muffin recipe to make chocolate cake and dumped all the dry ingredients into a screw top tupperware.  Just shake it up and voila! dry ingredients are mixed and ready to go.

Next went the liquids.  I wanted hot cake, not cold cake reheated (blehh!) so I had to put them in something.  Brainwave: use those cheap travel shampoo containers.  I bought a pair of brand new screw top ones at CVS (seriously, did you really think I'd use an old one?), scrubbed the life outta them with soapy water, and filled them with milk and veggie oil.

Mug cake's all set to go.

Dust off the flour and off we go!

So now I'm at work and it's getting late.  Last broadcast starts at 11pm, but it's just barely 9pm.  I could feel myself going into nap mode.  Time for cake!  Being the dork I am, I unscrewed my shampoo containers and dropped my milk and oil in like I was holding test tubes and conducting mad science instead of making cake.  And for good measure, I smashed up some Oreos I brought with me and added them to the batter.

The control room was sitting in the break room and just looked at me like I lost my mind.  There's no way that'll be anything other than chocolate-y sludge.  There's no way that makes cake.  If that comes out as cake, then that is some serious witchcraft.

Oh how wrong you are.  And no, even though I grew up near Salem MA, that does not make me a witch.  My baking wizardry is all me.

Minute and a half later BEEP goes the microwave.  The smell of chocolate wafts through the air.  And my little tupperware is filled with cakey goodness, much to the shock of literally everyone else.

Holy smokes she did the thing

Pity.  It doesn't look like there's enough to share.  Sorry guys!

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