Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Super Tuesday


For someone who is so apathetic when it comes to politics, it sometimes surprises me why I chose to live in work in Washington DC.  As the nation's capital, it runs on politics the way my mother runs on Dunkins.  And with DC being the battleground for much of the warring factions of politics, sometimes it feels like I'm being squashed in the neverending fight of Red vs. Blue.


On top of that, I work in news.  That means Super Tuesday went from "go do your civic duty" to "complete pandemonium".

Every network was out in force trying to be the first to announce who won which state and to answer a zillion questions the viewers are dying to know.

Is it Trump?  Is it Cruz?  How many voters actually turned out?  Did Bernie beat Hillary?  Did Carson make it on the board?  Did he even open his eyes to check?

Doesn't matter.  Everyone wants to be the first to say it anyway.

So off we go.  People are wandering about their daily lives.  They stop by a polling place.  They amble over to a booth and cast their vote.  Maybe they struggle over the decision.  And then they go home to continue their regularly scheduled Tuesdays.

The candidates made appearances across the nation.  There were rallies upon rallies.  People campaigned and there was a lot of sign waving.  Speeches were made, and votes were cast.

And then there's us:

Most of the night was a blur of people doing the controlled freak out.  We had a revolving door of guests for hours upon hours of coverage.  Reporters were dialing in from across the country.

From the outside, we probably looked super professional.

Hell, from inside our coverage looked super professional.

Us the workers, on the other hand, probably fulfilled the stereotype of a newsroom during breaking news coverage.  Because how else do you get things done when stuff is needed fast?  Same way your grandmother asks you to speak up - you shout.

Several incoherent shouts later.....

We go from frantic shouting to happy-smiley professional in seconds

And unbeknownst to the viewers at home, we're still shouting in the background.  We're just doing the awkward stage whisper-shout so you can't hear us, which just looks ridiculous.

I NEed that footage as fast as you can.  HEY! SHE'LL GEt it to you in a moment. No, HOLD ON crap gotta stay quiet.....

We did this for something like 6 hours.  Yep.  And we pulled off a hell of a series of shows.

Meanwhile in the rest of the country, ballots were flooding in.  Numbers were being thrown around and tallied up.  People were waiting with baited breath.

Time zones passed and polls closed.  Bit by bit, the results finally trickled in.  Leading the Republicans was Mr Businessman himself, Donald Trump.  And leading by a few states on the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton finished victorious.  It's been said that whoever wins on Super Tuesday is pretty much guaranteed their party's nomination.  We'll see if this holds true and if, come November, we'll find these two on our ballots.

And of course, the best thing to happen last night was Chris Christie.

You know, that guy that tried to run earlier?  Yeah, he's now endorsing Trump.  But last night at Trump's rally, his vaguely deer-in-the-headlights look spawned a new hashtag trending on Twitter.


YES!  Ladies and gentlemen, that shell shocked look of his started a firestorm on Twitter.

People were asking if he was ok.  People were saying it looked like his life might be passing before his eyes.  And yet more were joking that they should set up a Go Fund Me campaign to get him the hell outta there.

We'll see how long Christie will be held hostage praising and announcing a man who, several months ago, he denounced quite emphatically on several occasions.  More on this story as it unfolds.

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